Following is a list of links related to the topic
of repetitive DNA in plant genomes.
- PlantSat Database
The PlantSat database is
a database of compiled plant satellite DNA sequences retrieved from public
databanks (GenBank, EMBL) or from scientific papers.
- Rice TE Database
The Rice TE
Database at Arizona Genomics Institute comprises repeat sequences and
TEs of several species of the Oryza (rice) genus, and the closely related
Leersia perrieri.
- PGSB Repeat Element Database (PGSB-REdat) and Catalog (PGSB-REcat)
is a compilation of publicly available plant repeat sequences from
various sources, expanded with de novo detected LTR-retrotransposon
sequences. The current public version PGSB-REdat_v9.3p has a
size of ~450 Mb and contains ~62.000 sequences.
- Plant Repeat Databases at Michigan State University
Plant Repeat Databases at MSU was created to assist in the compilation
and identification of repeat sequences in plant genomes.
- Repbase Update (RU)
Repbase Update (RU)
is a database of prototypic sequences representing repetitive DNA from
different eukaryotic genomes.